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For many of us separation and divorce is a pivotal time in our life, presenting both opportunities and challenges.

Almost every breakup is filled with emotions and upheaval. And whilst we can’t pretend it’s an easy time, ultimately we can make choices that will guide how quickly and smoothly we can navigate out of it and move towards to our next chapter.

If you’d prefer to thrive than dive, here are some hot tips to walk ahead with gusto:

  1. Focus on what’s ahead, one step at a time – Don’t waste energy on what was – put your energy into what is and what will be.
  2. It’s all about you – don’t dwell on your ex or anyone else in your past. Think about what you want for the future and start working towards it.
  3. Take action – if you want something, take the necessary steps to get it.
  4. Your vibe reflects your tribe – surround yourself with the right people, those who believe in you and want to see the best for you. Seek out your cheer squad and spend your spare time with them.
  5. Seek the support you need – you don’t need to tackle this situation alone. Reach out to organisations, people and resources if you need them.
  6. Keep your life in balance – try not to let your breakup dominate everything. Whenever possible, switch your mind to the good things (including building your new life).
  7. Share within your comfort zone – your breakup is your story and yours alone. You don’t need to share it (or any of the details) with anyone. If people ask you questions for the sake of gossip, tell them to bugger off!
  8. Do it your way – you are the captain of your own ship. So the way you behave, the things you choose to do and the company you keep are all your decision (it’s one of the best bits of a break up).

Supporting you with a fresh start

If you’re ready to get back on track after a breakup, we have the perfect companion to walk with you as you build your new life. Our 10-week online program called “Moving onwards and upwards after separation or divorce” will give you all the insights, tools and templates to work out what’s important to you and where you want to be… and then we’ll guide you to create a workable plan to get there. For more information, please click here.

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